After years of making marshmallows at the holidays, a friend asked why they weren't selling their confections... In 2016, MarshmallowMBA was born! Hours of kitchen experiments, late-night recipe revisions, sugar burns, early morning brainstorms, and an actual MBA go into all their marshmallows! MarshmallowMBA uses traditional methods to create non-traditional flavors and products. They invite you to forget everything you know about marshmallows until you try MarshmallowMBA!
In today’s fast-paced world, digital marketing provides the value, relevance and flexibility consumers need, all while catering to the on-the-go lifestyle they want. Wherever you are in your events journey, the time is now to consider this opportunity as an important part of a strategic plan to gain a foothold in the market. The At Home Event is a value-driven solution to complement your marketing strategy, showcase your services/products, increase brand awareness, and make memorable connections…VIRTUALLY! Interactive virtual events are a necessary piece to your marketing puzzle that could make or break the success of your brand.
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